Thursday, April 26, 2018

How long does it take to see the results?

             When you decided to go to the gym, you were expecting to the muscular, fit guy or girl with six packs and strong hands really soon, but its quite difficult to get the results right away. It takes patience to achieve the desired result. How much time it takes before you start to notice the results of your hard work depends on many factors.   
           One of the key factors of productivity at the gym is the frequency and duration of training. Sometimes the beginners exercise every day and spend a lot of time at the gym, mistakenly believing that this will speed up the process of getting the muscles bigger. The principle "the more, the better" does not work in fitness. Balance and system are important here. The duration of the training should be approximately 60 minutes. If you train longer, the testosterone levels begin to go down, and the effectiveness of the exercises decreases. The break between training allows the body to recover from the previous session and adapt to the next one. 3-4 training sessions per week are enough to achieve your goals and keep your body happy. 
           In order to get the results you want, you must make sure that you know what exercises are the most effective for you. If your goal is to lose weight, then you should focus on cardio exercises. If you came to the gym to increase muscle mass, then your training should focus on exercises with heavy weight. To achieve both of these goals, just simply combine these workouts.
         To improve the result of workouts, you must follow the diet and eat healthy food.
 While reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods, do not forget,  that a calorie deficit can lead to the opposite effect. It is important to remember that you should eat more protein and stay away from alcohol and soda.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Best back exercises

There are several muscles that make up the bulk of the back:

·      Trapezius (traps)
·      Rhomboids
·      Teres major and minor
·      Infraspinatus
·      Latissimus dorsi (lats)
·      Erector spinae (iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles).

The best back exercises:

1. Deadlift - one of the best but for many people the most difficult exercise.
In fact, it’s one of the best all-around exercises for your entire body because it involves hundreds of muscles and allows for tremendous overload.

2. Chin - up
This exercise trains every major muscle in your back and involves the biceps to a significant degree as well.

3. Seated Cable Row- great exercise using the machine. 
4. Dumbbell Row
The dumbbell row is another fantastic compound exercise for the back, and particularly for the lats.
5. T-Bar RowThe t-bar row is another type of row that is a solid back builder.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The best triceps exercise

1. Parallel-bar dip. This is a great multijoint movement for triceps, just have to make sure, you keep your body as vertical as possible—don't lean forward, which hits your chest—and keep those elbows tight to your sides. 

2. Cable push- down. This exercise activates the lateral head of the triceps greater than any other major triceps exercise. IIt's a fairly good single-joint lateral-head movement as long as you don't let your elbows drift from your sides.

3. Seated overhead dumbbell extension. Once your arms go overhead, the long head becomes the target, so it's always a good idea to include some kind of arms-overhead exercise in your triceps routine. 

4. Skullcrusher. Skull crushers are one of the best exercises to perform for hitting the triceps hard. But, it is one of the more risky exercises.The reason is that your body’s position is under the weight. As a result, this exercise should be done with attention to safety. 

5. Back Dips. This is a great exercise because it can be done almost anywhere in the gym (or out of the gym). You should be careful and know how to perform it correctly. Putting the hands too close together behind the back will put stress on the wrists and elbows without any added triceps benefit. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Biceps exercises

      Who doesn't want to have big biceps? Muscular arms make you look fit and strong.
      Here are some very useful exercises that are part of my workout routine:

       1. Standing dumbbell curl - this is the classic curl, everybody knows this exercise, everybody uses it! I work on my endurance and do 5 sets of 20 reps.

       2. Hammer curl - this exercise helps to transfer most of the work from biceps brachii to brachialis, helps to make your arms looks thicker. 5 sets of 20 reps
        3. Static dumbbell curl - a great exercises that work one arm at a time. 5 sets of 20 reps.

        4. Cable rope hammer curl - just like a regular hammer curl but the cable machine keeps a more steady and constant load on the biceps. 5 sets of 20 reps

        5. EZ- bar preacher curl - also a popular exercise where you work with the bar. There is also a machine preacher curl if you don't want to use the bar.
5 sets of 20 reps

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Why women shouldn't be afraid of the gym?

           Most women are still afraid of the gym and especially to workout with weights.
The reason is too banal. This is a lack of self-confidence, fear, and embarrassment.

          This conclusion can be made by observing how they first come to the gym. Seeing all these guys and girls with perfect bodies make these females lost and afraid of the gym. They think that everybody is staring at them, but the thing is - every guy and girl with the perfect and muscular body was once a beginner. The first day at the gym is always stressful, but you shouldn't be afraid. Think about why you came to the gym? What is your goal? If you decide you want to stay and start training, then you need to forget about all of your fears and allow your mind to relax. A gym is a place where every person has a personal space in which he deals exclusively with himself and with his body. First of all, it should be understood that very few people were born with the perfect body. Usually, this is the result of hard work: a combination of a balanced diet, regular training in the gym and the right psychological mood.

           1. Diet. I already talked about the diet in my earlier posts.
           2. Regular training. In order to lose weight, cardio training will not be enough. In all cases, the program must include training with weight. You must have a training plan, and carefully follow it, being very patient because the body can't change in one day or one week.
           3. Psychology. Everything is in your head. You need to relax and stop worrying about your problems. Checking your weight and looking in the mirror every day hoping to see the changes won't help you to achieve your goals. There is a more effective way. After a while, take pictures of yourself and compare photos. Thus, you will clearly see the difference. If you decide to train in the gym, then stop being afraid and work on yourself and your body!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Tips for begginers

Have you ever went to the gym and had a feeling that you are not satisfied with your results? I want to write about a few tips that can help you to avoid some possible mistakes.

1. If you have never gone to the gym, but you are young and never had any health problems, it is still a good idea to visit at least three doctors: a cardiologist, a neurologist, and an endocrinologist.

2. Do not forget about your own safety. You want to check every machine and make sure you know how they work. If you are not sure, it's better to ask a trainer.

3. Do not start your training with heavy weights right away. Try to start with something easier, it will help your body to get used to the gym.

4. You want to have a plan or training program. Write it down in your phone or notebook.

5. Take care of yourself and especially of your muscles. If you feel really bad pain, stop your workout immediately. Do not overdo your exercises.

6. Try to not think about any family or personal problems and concentrate completely on training.

7. Simple, but sometimes forgotten. Do not eat before the training but drink plenty of water before, during and after.

8. Never forget about the stretching and cardio. Start with a warm-up, finish with a warm-up. Almost all experts suggest starting with a warm-up, focused specifically on those exercises that will be performed in that day.

9. Set a goal and talk to a trainer. You are not a specialist in fitness and physiology, Therefore, you can not completely rely on your understanding of training. The instructor will help you to decide what is best for you.

10. Simple but VERY important - Rest! Especially, if you have just started to workout andyou do not have much experience. A couple of times per week for an hour or so will be enough.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


           It is important to keep going to the gym at least 3-4 times per week but without the proper diet, you won't be able to achieve your goals. Everybody has different goals, but a lot of people are trying to lose weight or get ripped. You can workout every day but if you will keep eating fast food, you won't see great results. Losing fat without losing muscle (the key to getting ripped of course) is primarily a nutritional challenge. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Fat can be very stubborn, so you really have to nail the target calories you are eating.

            How to eat during exercise?

    Two hours before, and an hour and a half after training, you shouldn't eat anything, just make sure you drink a lot of water! This will help your body spend energy from fat stores.
1. You should maintain a stable level of sugar, without jumping up and down, make sure you eat healthy food (5-7 small meals per day) to avoid feeling hunger.
2. Make sure you drink a lot of water ( I try to drink a gallon per day, even my height is 5.2 feet, and weight 114 pounds). Cold water is preferred because our body would need more energy to heat cold water to body temperature.
3. Learn how to count calories and gradually reduce their intake, but remember that cutting caloric intake from carbohydrates can ultimately lead to depletion of glycogen stores, which can cause burning of active muscle tissue. The increase in carbohydrates by 100-200 grams every week will help to have more glycogen reserves enough to avoid losing muscle mass.
4. The workout should have a lot of sets with a lot of repetitions. Twice more than you usually do.
5. The body will try to store energy in reserve, slowing down its metabolism. Moderate reduction in calories (a weekly decrease of 100-200 kcal), allows the body to slowly get used to the new diet.
6. Over time, all diets cause a slowdown in metabolism. When you "reach the point" and realize that the metabolism is slower, give yourself some good carbohydrates and fats for 1 to 2 days. This will help your body to start burning fat again.
7. Fats from most fish are able to stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, you need to include fish in meals at least once a day.
8. The main goal of the diet, in addition to maintaining muscle mass, is the maximization of growth hormone (GH). It does not allow to burn muscles but stimulates the decomposition of subcutaneous fat. GH levels grow in the first 90 minutes after falling asleep, but the total amount of glucose (from digested carbohydrates) in the blood affects the release of growth hormone. A low level of glucose contributes to the maximum release of a growth hormone. Therefore, if you finish your in the evening (after 7 pm), and go to bed at 11 pm, then avoid taking carbohydrates 1-2 hours before bedtime.

     Remember, the most important thing is to not only lose fat but also to NOT lose muscle! That's why it is so important to workout more often.
These rules may help some people and may not help others. Everybody is different and you need to try to find what works best for you.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

        Today I will talk about some of my legs exercises. I start my workout routine with the cardio. Usually, it takes around 10-15 minutes. I don't really like running, but I love elliptical and stair machine. I start with the most difficult exercise for me - deadlift. This exercise is good because it makes a number of muscle groups work together: legs, back, trapezoids, abdominal muscles. I usually do 5 sets of 15 repetitions.  Then I do squats because it's the most effective exercise for me. To get your legs and butt in shape it's better to do squats with the bar on the shoulders. Many people complain that they can't perform squats with the bar because the knees hurt or it's hard to do it and so on. This is really a difficult coordination exercise, so you must first practice normal squats in 1/2, then 3/4 of the amplitude and only then "booty to the floor." Only after learning how to perform classical squats, you can add weights, because you don't want to break or hurt anything. I start with 50 lbs and go up with each set. I do 5-7 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Lunges are an excellent exercise for sculpting and building several muscles like quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. This exercise affects the shape and line of the legs and can make them look better. The lunges are a difficult coordination exercise, so it takes practice to do it correctly. I usually do 5-7 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
        If you want to lose weight in your legs - do not look for any special magical exercises for losing weight in this particular zone. You can't burn fat locally and it's almost impossible to influence on where the fat will go first if you want to lose the weight. But leg exercises stimulate blood circulation in this zone. As a result, fat from the legs and buttocks is burned slightly better (under the condition of a diet with a deficit of calories, of course). If you want to increase the gluteal muscles, first of all, you have to change your diet.  It doesn't matter if you want to lose weight or not, you have to take protein, otherwise, the muscles will not have enough material for growth. You don't want to lose your muscles with fat. Losing weight needs fewer carbohydrates and fats in the diet. I, personally, don't try to lose weight, but I still watch my diet, I try to eat more natural protein and less fast food and sugar ( even I loooove pizza and fries).
just an example of exercises I do