Sunday, March 11, 2018

Tips for begginers

Have you ever went to the gym and had a feeling that you are not satisfied with your results? I want to write about a few tips that can help you to avoid some possible mistakes.

1. If you have never gone to the gym, but you are young and never had any health problems, it is still a good idea to visit at least three doctors: a cardiologist, a neurologist, and an endocrinologist.

2. Do not forget about your own safety. You want to check every machine and make sure you know how they work. If you are not sure, it's better to ask a trainer.

3. Do not start your training with heavy weights right away. Try to start with something easier, it will help your body to get used to the gym.

4. You want to have a plan or training program. Write it down in your phone or notebook.

5. Take care of yourself and especially of your muscles. If you feel really bad pain, stop your workout immediately. Do not overdo your exercises.

6. Try to not think about any family or personal problems and concentrate completely on training.

7. Simple, but sometimes forgotten. Do not eat before the training but drink plenty of water before, during and after.

8. Never forget about the stretching and cardio. Start with a warm-up, finish with a warm-up. Almost all experts suggest starting with a warm-up, focused specifically on those exercises that will be performed in that day.

9. Set a goal and talk to a trainer. You are not a specialist in fitness and physiology, Therefore, you can not completely rely on your understanding of training. The instructor will help you to decide what is best for you.

10. Simple but VERY important - Rest! Especially, if you have just started to workout andyou do not have much experience. A couple of times per week for an hour or so will be enough.


  1. Vladislava, Another great, and critically important post this week, especially for brand new athletes or normally sedentary people wanting to improve their muscular health. The biggest takeaway I like from your post this week is the part about "not thinking about anyone or anything" while you are working out. I go to the gym now for two major reasons. One, to keep my "aging body firm, strong and healthy, especially all of my joints, tendons and ligaments forming the connective tissue that keeps me active in and out of the water without injury. Second, and probably most critical, is that I use my 30-45 minutes per day in the weight room as emotional "me time". It is just so nice to hear weights banging and muscles straining, without a care in the world. Concentrating on each repetitions perfect quality allows a mental escape from your daily concerns. Keep up the great blog, I am learning a lot! TD

    1. Thanks for all your comments, Tom! :) It really motivates me to post something new and interesting every week.
